Radio Therapy
The fog of chemo and numbness of radiation. The brain surgery. Paralysis. The seizure that exposed it all. The sterile sounds of the hospital. One must find a way to heal.
"Radio Therapy" expresses these sentiments by transforming the brutal sounds of Rodriguez's MRI into a meditation on the healing process of his recovery from a cancerous brain tumor, creating both a soothing and battling ambiance of recovery & remission.
"Radio Therapy" is produced by harnessing radio frequencies alongside a transmission of Rodriguez's MRI brain scan through a transducer that is attached to a standalone guitar. The transducer forces the whole body of the guitar to vibrate. The resulting sound is a blend of musical notes, and scanned AM radio frequencies resonating through the body of the guitar and passing through a chain of manipulated sound effects.
During the creation process of Radio Therapy many audio recordings were made. Some of these recordings have been gathered together and released asan album available in digital and cassette formats.
Side A
La couleur de l’été
Side B
Radio Therapy @ AKOUSMA XIII
Mastered by: Peter Van Uytfranck
Album Artwork by: Jonas Johansson
Released on Jeunesse Cosmique JS064
Merci Christine Renaud, Nora X, Los Rodriguez, Dr. Kevin "P-Recca" Petrecca, Mamouche & Sue Johnston